Finishing details

 Day 209, 5 months since foundation poured.

Believe it or not, we've got movers scheduled for NEXT WEEK.  I am definitely of the mindset "I'll believe it when I see it", but actually a lot of the "little" details (actually, no detail is little) have been settled.  Water is connected, as is all the utilities.  Curb and street entering our driveway/easement has been completed.

Landscaper will be here next week for the retaining wall, and our front patio.  (Cement gets stained in the spring).  

Of course, we've still got a fair amount of interior decorating to do. 

 But overall, feeling good about the progress.

                       I want to believe our builder, but in looking at our garage, I'm not too sure.  

                                               Next week?  Hm...what do you think? 


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