More digging

 Day 134 AND 41 days until the end of October

Note: Our builder, Gordon Stegner, Palace Homes (free plug) whom we really like, said we'd probably be able to move in 7 months after the foundation, so that's the day count (134 is about 4 1/2 months - so we've still got just under 3 months to go.  HOWEVER, he also told us just recently that we should be in by the end of October, so now I get to countdown to then!  41 days to go!  Let's see how close he gets!

OK, back to digging.... that excavator guy has become Roy's best friend.

He's now digging as we prepare (finally) for the utilities to be connected to the house.

Need to connect to gas, electric, water and sewer.  It's a big job which you will see in the next post.

There's another use for that excavator, too.  


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