
Showing posts from September, 2024

Inside and Outside

 Day 143 - 32 days til end of October!  So work continues both inside and out.  Inside looks nicer!             Roy is ready for dinner.   And we've got new back splash on part of our kitchen wall. Hard to see it well with all the junk around.  This one is cropped in a bit . Of course, after dinner, we can wash up in our new bathroom sinks Bedroom vanity Public/outer bathroom Meanwhile, they continue working outside to connect our utilities.  Slow process. 

Counter tops and utilites lines

 Day 139.  36 days til end of October.                            The day started out with our counter tops being delivered, and installed!                                   I really like our kitchen island and the surrounding counter top.                                                                             Roy likes it too!                                                Plus we've now got the guest bathroom cabinet and top,                                                                          the laundry room, and our vanity (with the wrong color walls. They'll repaint them white).                                       Obviously, there was a lot of granite delivered today. Fortunately, they were delivered in the morning,  Because shortly after they brought in the countertops, our new best friend, Aaron, the excavator, went to town trenching up the entire easement/driveway to lay the utilities.                                                                           


 Day 134 w/ 41 to go                                                   Will they ever stop digging up dirt piles??                                                   Even got a new machine to dig up more dirt! And this was our street earlier today.  I couldn't even get in to park in the carport. But it is interesting how they are digging up and looking for the utilities. Because they are looking for somewhat fragile lines - sewer, water, gas and electric, they can't dig with big excavators.  Nothing metal that could break the lines.  Instead they pump in high pressure water and then suck out the muck.  Leaves a clean and deep hole. This is the comcast line, which, of course, we don't need.         Roy is trying to point out the 3 gas lines down there. (At least, I think they're gas lines).   Can you see it? To be honest, I'm not sure anyone really knows yet what lies beneath! But Roy is always in on the conversation.                                                  

More digging

 Day 134 AND 41 days until the end of October Note: Our builder, Gordon Stegner, Palace Homes (free plug) whom we really like, said we'd probably be able to move in 7 months after the foundation, so that's the day count (134 is about 4 1/2 months - so we've still got just under 3 months to go.  HOWEVER, he also told us just recently that we should be in by the end of October, so now I get to countdown to then!  41 days to go!  Let's see how close he gets! OK, back to digging.... that excavator guy has become Roy's best friend. He's now digging as we prepare (finally) for the utilities to be connected to the house. Need to connect to gas, electric, water and sewer.  It's a big job which you will see in the next post. There's another use for that excavator, too.  

Cabinets and Doors and.....sewer.

 Day 127.  Work continues.  Some of it is pretty.                                                         All of it is functional.                               And some of it I'd just rather not know that much about!             But you gotta have a sewer line!