
Showing posts from June, 2024


Did I say preparing a house for staging and sale is hard work? June 5 June 30 This is just the small stuff; we'll leave all the big items for the movers.  In addition, we threw out probably 20 large black bags of trash, and made many, many trips to Goodwill.  Eventually our house might be ready for the market.  (Target date is August).  

Moving Along

 DAY 50  Nothing terribly exciting to report, yet work continues.  Exterior is taking shape a little more. The upper portion of the house will be stucco (light brown/tan);  the lower siding will be painted (milk chocolate brown) next week.   I'm getting pretty good at walking around all the scaffolding.  Interestingly, the light siding will eventually be dark; the dark stucco part will be light.  Go figure. The outside of our house is a bit chaotic, but at least they cleaned up the inside.  

Decisions, decisions

 DAY 43 Once again I feel there's been alack of posts, but not because nothing has been going on.  It's just that what's been going on has not been particularly photogenic I mean, who doesn't want to see a bathtub or water pipes (that's my laundry room). This is probably my favorite picture; can you see all the wires in the ceiling? I think we drove the electricians crazy! We made SO many decisions re: lights - where, which ones, how many switches, what controls what, where to place outlets.  They were extremely receptive to our many requests and changes.  (Of course, how they really felt about us is ??)  And they've started putting up some sheetrock.  At least in the garage. They still need an inspection before the walls go up inside the house.   Siding may go up tomorrow; now that should provide for some good pictures!

Moving along

Day 34  Despite the lack of a post here recently, a lot has been going on.  Mostly "little stuff" - although that's probably a misnomer; nothing involved with this house is little!  It is hard, however, to take pictures to capture all that's going on.  But I'll try! The fireplace is here.  Roof with shingles is almost done.  Our front door is gorgeous, though not yet installed (nor stained).    And, of course, all under the watchful eye of Roy. It was fun showing it off to some of our friends recently.  Last, but not least, lest you think we've neglected working on and decluttering our current home, we have rented a storage space and have started to move things there.  Just remember, every great journey begins with a single, first step.

Work continues - ahead of schedule

 Day 23  Our builder has told us we're moving along ahead of schedule and may be ready to move in by (drum roll....) SEPTEMBER!  Yikes, exciting, yes, but also means no more delaying on the inevitable task of preparing our current home for sale.  Meanwhile....    Checking out where the fireplace will be.                                                             Trying to explain stuff to me.                                                           Preparing the roof for the shingles.                                Looking more and more like a house every day.  (Notice the windows are in?)                                                                                 But, ready in September?!