
Showing posts from April, 2024

We've got a garage floor.

 A lot of progress happening.  This is a nice "before" shot. Now the fun starts.  Pouring concrete - first into our Mechanical Room. Now onto the garage floor.  First, had to tamp down all the fill dirt.  Then the pour. And spreading. Looking good. And then the "piece de resistance."  


 As you know, building a house is only part of our new home adventure.   Moving out of our home of 46+ years is daunting.  First step - downsizing.             So today we said goodbye to our Big Satellite Dish.  Many of you know we've had this big baby here many years - since we couldn't get cable up our street when our kids were small.   French Sesame Street and Mr. Dressup were 2 of our favorites!    

Back fill continues with Roy always supervising

 I took this one to show relative distance to our current home (which you can't really see until you "read more". Blogspot can be so annoying at times).    Roy is frequently in the picture. Always overseeing.  Always asking questions (LOTS of questions).   Nice that this is so convenient.

Every day's a new adventure

 Now that the foundation is down, it has to be waterproofed and have a drainage system around it.  (These guys have been working with our builder for over 30 years.  Really makes me feel good about the quality of their work, as well as the integrity of our builder.)   And now that that has passed inspection, it's time to back fill the foundation.  They removed so much dirt; now they have to put it back! This shows how the dirt has to go through a "sifter" before it can be dumped into the garage.  

We came home to the start of our home's foundation!

  These 3 pictures were taken by a drone, and given to us by our builder.  Pretty exciting to see the changes that occurred while we were away! 

Took a few days off - for a good reason

 Yup, we went to Ohio to visit my sister who lives in the path of totality.  Thanks to her friend Paul for this awesome picture! 

Pouring the Footers

 First a lot of people to set up the forms. And then a large truck arm to deliver the concrete. All under the watchful eye of the real supervisor - Roy! And this is what we saw after they left; not bad for 1 day's worth. 

Supervising the construction?

This picture hardly needs a caption.  (Credit: Roy for this picture). 

A sign of progress

  Can you see it?  No building site is complete without one.                                       Yep!  It's a Porta-Potty