
"......that's all folks!"

 I've been putting it off, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which was the cold weather - but the time has come to close out this blog. House isn't completely finished, but the biggest stuff is done, and with the front walkway finally landscaped, thought I'd end this journey. In case you can't make it out, arrow reads "Welcome. Front Door".  We've had people get confused as to where to enter. :) I've been waiting for the front patio to be finished.  Now I'll wait for the weather to warm. Thanks for being along for this ride.  "What a long strange trip it's been."  Come visit!! 

A Retrospective

 Happy New Year!  I expect to end this blog adventure pretty soon.  Once they complete our landscaping, I'll take a few pictures and then say "good bye".  So, before then, here's a fun little retrospective of our home build We have some preliminary drawings from our architect that were drawn up in the Spring of 2023. But the real action didn't start until March. March 7, 2024                                                                        March 28, 2024                                                                                                 ...


 It is really hard to tell if I'm making any progress over here, but this may help not only you to see what I've done (and yes, Roy has helped, but mostly tinkering with "stuff" - TV, smart switches, internet.....), it will also help me feel better!   First off, they've started to landscape our walkway/path to front door.   s Can you tell which one is the foreman?  LOL.  (Hint: which one is not working!) OK, so now we'll go inside with some before and afters.                                                                        Our walk-in closet. The kitchen                                              And where did all those boxes go?  The garage. Maybe w...

We're In!!!

 So here's the good, the bad and the ugly. The GOOD!                                                                                 The Bad Boxes, so many boxes! And the Ugly. I left these at 360 so I clean up there. It will probably take me forever to unbox everything - but we're HOME!  

Phase One

  On Day 216, just a little over 7 months since the foundation was poured, our movers arrived.      Two men and a truck (but actually it was 3 men) boxed up today; tomorrow they move it next door.  This is our mess to move over. The next pictures I post will be from inside 370!

Interior decorating

 Day 212.  The way I figure it, you've gotta start somewhere.  So, here are our latest additions to our new home - area rugs!  We hope to actually move in later this week.  Yikes!                                                                      Roy's in our bedroom.     This is the dining room.                                                                       And our 3rd bedroom                                                      

Finishing details

 Day 209, 5 months since foundation poured. Believe it or not, we've got movers scheduled for NEXT WEEK.  I am definitely of the mindset "I'll believe it when I see it", but actually a lot of the "little" details (actually, no detail is little) have been settled.  Water is connected, as is all the utilities.  Curb and street entering our driveway/easement has been completed. Landscaper will be here next week for the retaining wall, and our front patio.  (Cement gets stained in the spring).   Of course, we've still got a fair amount of interior decorating to do.   But overall, feeling good about the progress.                        I want to believe our builder, but in looking at our garage, I'm not too sure.                                                 ...